Google Play generates over 60% more app downloads than the App Store, generates less money

  Three years ago App Storewas the absolute king of the virtual application stores, with the highest numbers of downloads and the highest revenues generated by them for the company Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC),. In 2014, things are completely different, because Google Play generates 60% more downloads than App Store, and this is perfectly normal, considering that the number of Android terminals on the market is approximately double that of iDevices.

  Regarding the money generated by the two stores App StoreCPC stays in continue king, Google Playgenerating approximately 60% of the revenues of the store owned by the Apple company. The discrepancy between the large number of active terminals and the low revenues is due to the fact that most of those who buy Android terminals do not have the money to buy applications for them, this has been demonstrated for years and years in a row.

  In a few years, Google Play will dominate the App Store from all points of view, and this is perfectly normal considering the growth that Google's platform continues to enjoy.