iOS 8.1 – a bug causes battery life issues, here's how to fix it

  iOS 8.1 was released on Monday by the Apple company and of course it generated problems with battery autonomy for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch owners. At the root of the problems is a bug in the iCloud system that seems to be synchronizing old data for the settings of our terminals, so that some settings made with the idea of ​​reducing the terminal's energy consumption would have been replaced by iCloud with old ones, which generates unsolicited activity for the terminal.

  In this idea, it is good to check all applications that use GPS, Location Services, to see if some of them have access to the system again, even though you disabled it a long time ago. In the same way, you can check if Background App Refresh has not been activated for some applications that had this functionality disabled by you, checking the settings for automatic download of applications or books is also recommended.

  Finally if your terminal is constantly overheating then it might be a good idea to leave it closed for a few minutes to finish what it's doing in the background, a reboot can also dispatch things. Fortunately, I had no problems with battery autonomy in iOS 8.1, but I know some of you aren't as lucky, so the tips above might help you solve the problem caused by this bug.