iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus help increase iOS market share in Europe

  iPhone 6 and 6 iPhone Plus were launched last month by Apple, and they have had a positive impact on the company's market share, with it seeing serious growth in Europe and other large markets around the globe. In Germany, the UK, France, Italy and Spain iOS had a total market share increase of 1.5%, just 0.1% higher than recorded by to the Android platform, Apple's operating system having a total market share of 15.4%.

  In the US the situation is completely different, the market share of iOS falling by 3.3% in a year, while Android gained 4.5 percent in the same period of time. The good part for Apple is that in Australia the iOS market share increased by 2.1 percent, but the really bad part is in Japan, the country that loves Apple products, where the iOS market share fell by no less than 16 percent , probably Apple's biggest yet.

  Overall, iOS has not had a great evolution in the last year, with the accelerated sales of Android terminals contributing to an impressive increase in the market share of the operating system.