Google is preparing a great feature to interconnect iOS and Android terminals

  Copresence is a new system developed by the company Google for smartphone owners Android and iOS, it being discovered in a new version of the SDK for Google Play Services. The new feature is designed to enable terminal owners iOS and Android OS to interconnect when in close proximity, their terminals can then share files, messages and more using Wi-Fi or Wi-Fi Direct, with Bluetooth used to identify the devices.

To authenticate with one another, the two devices would apparently be able to use location information or Bluetooth, perhaps along with a functionality similar to "whisper," theultrasonic authentication method Google has used for the Chromecast to allow devices to connect from different networks. Actual information would be transferred using Wi-Fi or Wi-Fi direct... Android and iOS devices communicate with one another in a variety of ways, exchanging files, photos, directions, messages, or other content...

  Copresence will be available in iOS in the form of an application that will be launched in the App Store by Google, but Android terminals would offer the system with direct integration into the operating system. Given that the entire system is currently under development within the Google company, we will have to wait until we can use it with our terminals, if it will be compatible with even all iDevices running iOS.