DetailedBatteryUsage enables the hidden battery usage statistics menu in iOS

  iOS 8 brought us a new menu in the Settings app of iDevices where we can view information on the energy consumed by our apps while using them with their own iDevices. This system also has a hidden menu with detailed information on the energy consumption of applications, and access to it is facilitated by a new tweak

for iOS 8.1 jailbreak launched last evening in CydiaDetailed Battery Usage being his name.

This unlocks the hidden battery usage menu Apple uses internally during development (found in Settings->General->Usage->Battery Usage). It contains much more detail than the standard menu, check the screenshots for an example. At the bottom there's an option to show/hide daemons from the list. The "Save For Demo" button generates a plist representation of the data and stores in "/var/mobile/Library /Logs/BatteryUIDemos".

  Information on energy consumption can be found in Settings>General>Usage>Battery usage, so the tweak will activate its new menu in the exact same location. DetailedBatteryUsage is available for free download in the repo BigBoss of Cydia.

This post was last modified on Oct. 31, 2014, 10:07 PM 22:07 PM

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