The Nexus 9 has a flexible case, but it doesn't bend

  iPhone 6 Plus bends, iPad Air 2 bends, but the products Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), they're not the only ones that don't have a 100% flawless build because, as you can see from the image above, Nexus 9 it has a flexible casing. The middle of the case Nexus 9 it can be pressed inside with minimal pressure applied to the material and if there is no protective panel under it, then the pressure is applied directly to the tablet battery or other internal components of the logic board.

  Of course, we are not talking about a problem as big as that of the terminals 6 iPhone Plus whose casing bends if enough pressure is applied to them by users, but the irony remains. The new tablet doesn't look like a premium product due to the lack of an aluminum body, so few expected much from Google's new tablet, but given that the scandal that Apple has been involved in motivates many reviewers to test the hardness of the materials, it was to be expected to see checks like this.

  What do you think about this Nexus 9 issue?