Jony Ive talks about design in an interview at the Design Museum in London

  Jony Ive the famous vice president of Apple's design division, spoke yesterday about his achievements and failures as a designer, but also about many, many other things that a designer must always keep in mind. Ive claims that no one should be afraid of failure because otherwise they will not have any success in life and that 80% of the projects developed in the lab will never be turned into products. Moreover, if a designer discovers that a particular design is not good enough for a product, he should discard it instead of trying to improve it.

We shouldn't be afraid to fail – if we are not failing we are not pushing. 80% of the stuff in the studio is not going to work. If something is not good enough, stop doing it. The best ideas start as conversations. A small change at the beginning of the design process defines an entirely different product at the end. At the start of the process the idea is just a thought – very fragile and exclusive. When the first physical manifestation is created everything changes. It is no longer exclusive, now it involves a lot of people. There are 9 rejected ideas for every idea that works.

  The best design ideas generally emerge during discussions, and small changes made at the beginning of a design project can result in a completely different product than originally envisioned. Given Apple's extremely rigorous hiring requirements, Ive argues that a young designer has an extremely low chance of being hired by Apple's design team, because people within it don't leave unless they completely withdraw from the activity.

  Additional information you can read herei.