Skype for web lets you use Skype directly from a browser

  After the tribute to Apple, Microsoft announced earlier today that Skype can be accessed and used in a web browser by anyone who has a registered account for the popular text or video messaging service. Just like the OS X or Windows app, Skype or Whatsapp for the web will allow text conversations with any contacts, initiate video conferences and manage contacts, all directly from a web browser, with Microsoft offering invitations to a select number of users to try the service.

  Skype for web will be released officially in the coming months by the American company and in beta will require the installation of a plugin to work through the browser, but in the future everything will be usable by simply visiting a web page. Although the idea is good, the beta service currently has problems in terms of the long time it takes to initiate a video or voice call, but also in terms of power consumption on the OS X platform. If you have a Mac then you need to run the minimum OS X 10.8 to use this service, and if you're using Windows, then an up-to-date version of Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 10 will suffice.

  Access to the beta version of Skype is offered by Microsoft to selected users through an email sent to them, so only if you are selected by the company will you be able to access it.