UIRotation8 allows changing screen orientation in iOS 8 using only gestures

  UIRotation8 is a tweak released during these days in Cydia for owners iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch, and through it we can change the screen orientation of our iDevices with simple taps of the screen during use. In the video clip above you are shown the functionality of the tweak specially designed for iOS 8 and notice that through it we will be able to use this functionality using the Activator plugin and the gestures set in it. The tweak has multiple working modes according to the wishes of each user, so you will be able to view the iOS interface however you want.

This package allows to rotate the device screen with gestures. Only work screen lock mode. Activator settings. Set the desired gesture. Full Rotation Mode. If you want to enable apps that don't allow rotation, select ON. If you want the feature to OFF. In Settings or Flipswitch. 

  UIRotation8 is available for free download in Cydia's BigBoss repo, but requires iOS 8.1 jailbreak before it can be used.