Here's why iOS is 3x more efficient than Android and doesn't need 3GB of RAM

  iPhones, iPads and iPod Touches have two or three times less RAM than Android terminals, and this has generated a lot of criticism from many Android terminal owners, despite the fact that the performance of iDevices was better than those of terminals running Google's operating system. So far no one has given a clear explanation as to why iOS is 3 times more efficient than Android OS, today we have one and the mystery of using a small amount of RAM in Apple products is finally solved for so many years.

Servicing RAM uses power. So more memory = more power consumption. Android apps using Java, recycle released memory using garbage collection. What this diagram shows is that garbage collectors are really awesomely fast if you have a relative memory footprint of 4 or 8. In other words, you need four or eight times more memory than you are actually using to be super efficient. But when the memory becomes constrained, that performance goes way down. iOS does not use this style of garbage collection and does not slow down in constrained memory environments. So 1GB for iOS results in more performance than 3GB for Android.

  According to popular app developer, Android runs Java apps that recycle unused RAM in a process called garbage collection, with the remaining unused memory freed up for use by other apps. Although this process is very fast and efficient, when the free RAM memory decreases for new applications, the performance of the terminals is seriously reduced, and additional physical RAM memory is required. iOS does not use this RAM management process and is 3 times more efficient than Android, so an iPhone with only 1 GB of RAM performs better than an Android smartphone with 3 GB of RAM.


  1. Cu ios 8 nu cred ca mai are aceleasi performante. @Zaone se
    Merita sa trec de la 8.1 la 8.1.1? Este vreo diferenta? Sau e la fel si ocup spatiul degeaba?

  2. într-un proces numit garbage collection = printr-un proces numit garbage collection (nu este un proces in sine, JVM=java virtual machine asa isi gestioneaza memoria).

    Nimic nou in ce ai scris, se cunoaste faptul ca java “papa” resurse multe. Dar codul e portabil.

    Uite niste statistici:

    97% of Enterprise Desktops Run Java
    89% of Desktops (or Computers) in the U.S. Run Java
    9 Million Java Developers Worldwide
    #1 Choice for Developers
    #1 Development Platform
    3 Billion Mobile Phones Run Java
    100% of Blu-ray Disc Players Ship with Java
    5 Billion Java Cards in Use
    125 million TV devices run Java
    5 of the Top 5 Original Equipment Manufacturers Ship Java ME

  3. Eu detin iphone 6 si sunt ferm convins ca de la urmatorul update(ios 9) se va simti o diferenta foarte mare datorata lipsei de ram…din acest motiv a primit si ipad air 2 2 gb de ram…deoarece pur si simplu nu mai este deajuns 1….

  4. Garbage collection este un avantaj al Java, si nicidecum un dezavantaj. Managementul memoriei RAM este total diferit fata de ceea ce se stie despre sistemele de operare desktop; daca pe un Mac sau PC memoria plina inseamna scaderea performantelor dispozitivului, pe Android este invers: cu cat este mai ocupata memoria RAM cu atat este mai eficient, deoarece sistemul de operare tine mereu o portiune libera pentru aplicatiile care ruleaza.
    Asta este si avantajul Androidului atunci cand deschide foarte rapid aplicatiile inchise anterior.

    “Write once, run anywhere”
    Marele avantaj al Java este faptul ca poti porta codul pe orice hardware, e ceea ce are nevoie un sistem de operare care a fost conceput sa ruleze pe o multitudine de configuratii hardware.

    Si cu toate avantajele iOS, se pare ca noul Android construit pe ART este mai eficient dpdv energetic decat orice alt sistem de operare pentru mobile, este foarte rapid, si culmea: construit pe Java Virtual Machine. Doar viitorul ne va arata care dintre cele doua sisteme de operare este mai eficient.