Earthquake of 5.8 degrees in Bucharest and the telephone networks fail!

earthquake 5.8 degrees Bucharest  An earthquake of 5.5 degrees or 5.5 degrees was registered this night in Romania, it being felt all over the country, even in Bucharest, where the mobile phone networks decided that it is not necessary to place any phone calls. Although we are not talking about a very strong earthquake, the Orange, Vodafone and Telekom mobile phone networks were unavailable for approximately 10-15 minutes after it. If we were talking about an earthquake of greater intensity, then in this period of time no one would have managed to announce an emergency service, to call a friend or a close person.

Earthquake 5.8 degrees Bucharest

  The earthquake proved that our mobile phone networks are unable to function in conditions of maximum need and if you still have problems placing phone calls, then I recommend that you activate and deactivate AirPlane Mode on your iPhones. After this, you can think about what exactly would have happened if the problem had been a much bigger one and you would have needed help from the authorities or you would have tried to call a close person who is not near you, but you were greeted only by a busy ring tone or by the impossibility of initiating the call to that phone number from the start.

  Details about the earthquake find on INFP. What do you think about the inability of mobile phone networks to provide a GSM signal in conditions of this kind?

UPDATED: It seems that the first estimates place the magnitude of the earthquake between the values ​​of 5.5, 5.6 and 5.8 degrees, with a duration of 30 seconds.