iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus are still hard to find in Apple partner stores around the world

iPhone 6 iPhone 6 Plus delivery times

  Almost three months have passed since the launch of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, but the two Apple smartphones are still difficult to buy from Apple Stores or the company's partner stores. In the image above you have a table made by an analyst specialized in the Apple company and the products launched by it, cataloging the availability of both new iPhones in various important countries around the world.

  As you can see, at the moment all Apple Stores and Apple partner stores in the 9 verified countries list terms delivery of 3-5 working days for any model of iPhone 6 or 6 iPhone Plus ordered online. Delivery terms do not exist or are shorter for customers who visit a physical store, where stocks are separated and usually better, considering that most people prefer to shop online.

  In Romania, both terminals are available for purchase in a multitude of online stores and at lower prices than in Apple Store Europe for some of them, so the "problem" exists only at Apple stores. In general, around the winter holidays, Apple manages to keep up with market demand and this year things don't seem to be that different, Apple managing to deliver both iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus orders in good time. .