Apple is approaching Romania with 3D presentations for Apple Maps

Apple Maps Flyover 3D Budapest

  releasing Apple Maps, the Apple company also implemented a system that allowed viewing 3D presentations of cities around the globe. Although initially the presentations were limited to the USA and a few other important cities, now Apple is expanding its availability to other countries, including those close to Romania.

  Starting today, the residents of the city of Budapest have the opportunity to view a 3D presentation of their own city with updated images from the entire location. The 3D presentation of the city of Budapest through Apple Maps is based on images recorded from a helicopter rented by Apple to fly over the city.

  The American company tried to create a better version of the city map visualization system based on the images recorded from the satellite, and many say that it succeeded. The main point of attraction of this system is the fact that the images are recent and of high resolution, so they will look great on the terminals.

Apple Maps 3D Flyover for Budapest

Apple Maps Flyover 3D Budapest 1

  Budapest is the first capital in Eastern Europe close to Romania that has a Flyover Tour 3D in Apple Maps and this brings Apple one step closer to Romania. Of course, the inclusion of Hungary in the list of countries with 3D Flyover Tour does not mean that Romania will benefit from such a thing soon, but that is another story.

  The Apple company constantly updates the Apple Maps system with updated maps of Romanian cities, but for now it is far from useful. Unfortunately Apple recently decided to remove Google Maps from Find My iPhone, leaving us only with Apple Maps, thus making the entire system almost useless in our country.

  Finally, it is worth mentioning that Apple has extended the availability of the 3D Flyover Tour function in Strasbourg, Dijon, Millau for France; Budapest; Malmö in Sweden and the city of Rotterdam in the Netherlands, France being the country with the most cities that have this system available.