Floppy Cloud – an SNES and NES emulator available in the App Store

Floppy Cloud

  Floppy Cloud is a SNES and NES emulator appeared unexpectedly in App Store, apparently going unnoticed by the Apple team that checks published applications. As you probably already imagine, it allows us to play games for SNES and NES, without having to jailbreak beforehand.

  Using application Floppy Cloud anyone can upload files .nes NES ROM or .smc Super Nintendo ROM, so it can play any game. Everything is based on Dropbox integration, so it will be necessary to upload the games to your account in order to then download them to the terminals for use.

  Floppy Cloud is disguised as an application that allows the management of the files available in it, but under this interface there is the game emulator. In order to provide the best possible experience, the developers have also implemented a punch setting module, so you can have an extremely good gaming experience.

Remember the good ol days, when files existed locally and were always at hand even without the internet? Floppy cloud brings those days back! Floppy Cloud allows you to connect to remove services such as Dropbox or an FTP server and preview your files as well as downloading them locally, so that they are available anytime, even if you are in an are without wifi or cellular services.

  Floppy Cloud has natively implemented support for any MFi controllers, so you can use a joystick or gamepad to control the characters. Considering that NES or SNES games already have support for physical buttons, you will have no problems in fully controlling any of the characters in your games.

  Floppy Cloud does not allow you to download games that you do not already own, but only games uploaded by you to your Dropbox account. That said, Floppy Cloud is available for DOWNLOAD in universal format in the App Store.

Initial price:
Floppy Cloud



Developer: Kyle Hankinson
Category: Utilities

Description: Remember the good ol days, when files existed locally and were always at hand even without the internet Floppy cloud brings those days back!

Floppy Cloud allows you to connect to remove services such as Dr…

The size of the application is: 22.3 Mb