3DRudder lets you control games using just your feet (Video) – CES 2015

  3DRudder is a product presented in the framework CES 2015 for gamers around the world, he being conceived specifically to allow you to control games using only your feet. In the video clip above you have presented the product that has been in development for some time, it offers no less than 4 control modes for the games that will support it in the near or distant future.

  As you can already see, 3DRudder is not very easy to use without a period of adaptation, at the same time requiring a physical connection to a computer using a USB cable. Unfortunately, there are currently no games that support it, but the developers have designed a special technological demo for those interested, bringing all the benefits of 3DRudder to the fore.

  Based on the tests, pressing the feet forward will move the user forward, moving backwards will turn him back, rotations will zoom in or out, or rotate the image and things continue like that. Basically, 3DRudder can be seen as a joystick that you have to move in various directions to control your character in the game or in the technology demo.

  3DRudder is an interesting device and it is going to be launched later this year.

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