Toshiba TransferJet quickly transfers any files between iPhone or iPad - CES 2015

Toshiba TransferJet CES 2015

  Toshiba TransferJet is a product presented at CES 2015 by the Toshiba company, and with its help we can quickly transfer any kind of files between iPhone or iPad in just a few steps. The device is inserted into a Lightning port of the new types of Apple iDevices and then allows the quick transfer of any type of files between terminals that have a similar accessory connected.

  Toshiba TransferJet of course, it also requires a separate application that must be installed in all terminals, it stores all the files that we cannot transfer normally in iOS. These files must be transferred using iTunes from our computers, otherwise they cannot be inserted into the application without first jailbreaking the terminals and transferring them from somewhere.

Toshiba TransferJet can transfer any files between iDevices

  Although it seems hard to believe, Toshiba TransferJet it uses a Sony technology to transfer files, it is called Sony TransferJet, unavailable in other mobile terminals. Using this technology, the device transfers files at Wi-Fi speeds of up to 375 Mbps, so a movie of several tens of minutes is transferred immediately between your terminals without effort.

  The interesting part of Toshiba TransferJet is that it also works with other products that have this technology integrated by the manufacturer in the factory. In this idea, pictures recorded using CyberShot cameras or files available in VAIO laptops can reach our terminals very quickly, the data transfer being done at the same high speeds as in the first case.

Toshiba TransferJet is to be launched by the company during this summer at the price of approximately $33, so low enough to convince an average user to buy it to be able to transfer files between terminals and other devices.