CheeseCake brings an Android 5.0 Lollipop animation to iOS (Video)

  Cheesecake is a new tweak launched yesterday in Cydia for our iDevices, and with its help we can implement an interesting functionality for them. More precisely, using this package we can implement in iOS 8 lock animation available in Android 5.0 Lollipop, and in the video clip above you can see exactly how it works.

  The idea behind this package is purely aesthetic, it has no other functionality apart from the one that implements the animation, so don't install it for anything else because you won't have any. CheeseCake is available for free download in the repo BigBoss of Cydia and is thought to work primarily with iPhone and iPod Touch terminals.

I fell in love with Android L's new screen fade out animation at first sight. Took me around an hour of coding and fine-tuning to achieve something that resembles L's animation while preserving iOS' unique flair.