Increasing the price of applications in the App Store disables monthly subscriptions

Applications from the App Store with integrated subscriptions will no longer automatically provide content in their base, Apple automatically disabling them for all users after the price increase in the App Store.

Apple application subscriptions

  Last week I told you that Apple has increased the prices of the applications available in the App Stores in Europe and not only that, this measure generating enough criticism from users. The measure also had a logical effect, but unexpected by some users, more precisely the monthly subscriptions bought by them through in-app purchases were automatically deactivated without prior notification.

  The problem for application developers and users is that they have to find out by themselves that the subscription has been canceled and must be renewed with the acceptance of the higher price charged for it. Although for some users the expiration dates are not that close, Apple should have notified all users about this change, leaving many people without the content they subscribed to.

  Apple notified the developers about the price changes with enough time before, but did not inform them about the adjacent changes that this implies for everyone. Having said that, if you have a subscription made for any App Store application, it would be good to check your settings because you might realize that it needs to be reactivated.