Work - Facebook launches an application that can be used while you are at work

Facebook at Work is a Facebook platform dedicated to companies that want to offer their employees the opportunity to interact through their own messaging network.


  Work is a new application prepared for launch by the application Facebook, it being thought to allow employees to use the social network while they are at work. The application is based on a module dedicated to companies, which can create an internal version of Facebook that can be used by employees for communication within the company on PC or mobile terminals.

  Facebook has been testing the Work platform for some time and is now releasing a public version of it, allowing employees to set up meetings, share files or coordinate to develop various projects. Facebook at Work, as the platform is called, has been used for some time in the framework Facebook, through which most of the announcements dedicated to the company's employees are made.

Facebook at Work's strength is that we've spent ten years and incorporated feedback from 1 billion active users. All of that is embedded now in the same product but adapted for different use cases. When Mark makes an announcement he just posts it on Facebook at Work. When an employer adopts Facebook at Work, they can construct it with a set of new accounts. Users can then link their work and personal accounts together so that they are logged into both at the same time.

  The application and service launched today will have a limited functionality that will only allow the sharing of files, not their editing, those from Facebook taking into account the implementation of advertisements in the system. The application launched by Facebook will now work through the main website and will require a user's account to be linked to a group associated with the company through which access to the platform will be provided.

  Facebook enters a segment where there are quite a few competitors with similar services, but considering the popularity of its network and users' familiarity with it, there are very high chances that Facebook at Work will be used in most multinationals around the world.