Daniel Kotke talks about the moments when he gets high with Steve Jobs

Daniel Kotke

  Daniel Kotke is one of the first employees of the company Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), and a former college colleague of Steve Jobs, and in an interview granted to CNN Talk about the moments when he gets high with the former CEO Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC),. LSD was the drug that the two consumed in the student dormitories of Reed College, they became friends based on a common interest in a book that described spirituality and the effect of hallucinogenic drugs. According to Kotke, the use of drugs helps them to meditate, the books motivating them to explore even more this way of relaxation.

We would take psychedelics and whole new vistas opened up. We were... in a meditative space. But that's partly because we were reading books about chakras and psychic energy and the chi and the Kundalini serpent that was going to rise up our spine.

  Kotke was the supplier of the drug LSD for Steve Jobs, and his passion for it took them on long hikes and walks through the gardens of Reed College where they both studied. Steve Jobs repeatedly admitted that LSD helped him have some of the most profound experiences of his life, the name of the Apple company coming from the garden of a friend interested in the same drug. You will find more details and a video clip with the interview given by Kotke in the CNN article.