WhatsApp Messenger would allow logging in with Facebook and visible messages in the social network

WhatsApp messenger Facebook

  WhatsApp Messenger was purchased by Facebook with over 19 billion dollars more than a year ago, and now we learn about the plans that the American company has with the text messaging network. Conformable a page recently discovered on the WhatsApp website, the company is testing a possible interconnection with the Facebook profiles of its users. For now, it is not known for sure what this interconnection could bring, but it is speculated that it would be about two things: either a log in WhatsApp Messenger with an account Facebook instead of a phone account, or display WhatsApp messages in Facebook.

  Regardless of the new functionality that the Facebook company test it for its application, it is clear that in the not too distant future Facebook and whatsapp messenger they will be much more "tightly" linked. To be honest, the idea of ​​allowing logging into WhatsApp Messenger with a Facebook account will seriously affect you Facebook Messenger. No display of WhatsApp Messenger messages in Facebook it would not be an extraordinary idea, but it will probably find a utility in an interconnection of the two systems.

  For now, we can only speculate about what Facebook intends to do with WhatsApp Messenger, but it was inevitable that the services would at some point be more strongly interconnected and possibly combined. What do you think Facebook will do with WhatsApp Messenger through this interconnection?