Apple Watch and iPhone 6 – development started in 2011, Jony Ive convinced Tim Cook to approve the watch

Jony Ive apples

  A few months ago we found out that Apple Watch entered the development process within Apple since 2011, shortly after the death of Steve Jobs, but iPhone 6 had the same fate. According to Jony Ive, he and his team tested prototypes of the iPhone 6 with screens whose size varies by 0.1 inches from the 4 inches of the iPhone 5 which was then being prepared for launch. In the end, Apple chose the 4.7-inch and 5.5-inch screens for iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, the decision seems to be an extremely good one.

We explore a lot of things, and we're resigned to the fact that most of them don't continue. It's not very often that we start something that's an entirely new platform.

  Regarding Apple Watch, those within the Apple company they were initially very reluctant in approving the development of a smartwatch for a variety of reasons. From the problems in selling the product in Apple Store and up to the fear of creating a customer differentiation between the rich and those without the purchasing power to be able to purchase a gold version. Despite all these reluctance, Jony Ive he convinced his bosses that developing the Apple Watch is a very good idea for the Apple company, and in April the product will be officially launched on the market.

  For Apple Watch Jony Ive even convinced one of his good friends to work on the development of the product design, Marc Newson still not being credited for his participation. Some say that the Apple Watch would be Jony Ive's last big project within Apple, but I find it hard to believe that he will leave Apple now that he has the opportunity to change the automobile industry. Jony Ive is an extremely important man for Apple and without his power of persuasion we probably wouldn't have seen many Apple products on the market.