Dropbox implements the option to save files from other applications in iOS 8

Dropbox iOS 8 file saver

  dropbox, the company that launched the famous file storage system, updates its application during this day, it will offer us the possibility to save files directly from other applications using the extension system of iOS 8. As you can see in the image above, Dropbox uses a special extension for its own application, which is displayed in the sharing menu that we open every time we want to share information. Basically, we can send photos from Camera Roll directly to Dropbox, photos or movies from any other applications directly to dropbox, documents directly in Dropbox and many others.

  The application is available for saving files including through the system Open In… which is available for various files downloaded from the Internet and which cannot be opened natively by iOS. In this idea, we can save almost anything we want in Dropbox using version 3.7 of the application as long as we have the active extension from the settings menu available for extensions in iOS. Version 3.7 of the application dropbox it will be available for the whole world in the next few hours, it being published in the App Store, but of course the propagation of the change requires a few hours.

  The Dropbox application is available for DOWNLOAD FREE from the App Store.