iOS 9 – 10 changes that would solve everyone's problems

iOS 9 publicly tested

  iOS 9 it will be released in autumn to users worldwide after a period of public testing, but will it solve all the problems that millions of users have encountered after installation iOS 8 ? This version of the operating system has so many problems, but an American publication talks about 10 of them that, if solved now, would completely change the way we could use iOS 9. If Apple will succeed to implement at least half of what you see below and implement some new functions, then iOS 9 could be loved by a lot of people right from the day of the official release.

  10 changes for iOS 9 that could make you love him:

  1. implementing a more efficient system to delete files we don't need;
  2. the launch of Apple Pay in several countries around the world;
  3. predefined activation of privacy settings for applications;
  4. implementing an emergency system to reduce energy consumption by deactivating optional functions;
  5. implementing a system that would allow the use of iOS with various user accounts;
  6. solving the annual problems of Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Calendar;
  7. improving the performance and functionality of the Camera application;
  8. the possibility to customize the Control Center;
  9. the option to choose third-party applications to natively open certain types of content;
  10. a better interconnection between iDevices/Macs.

  What do you think, would these changes change iOS 9 so much in order to make it better for us?