The head of the Android division talks about Apple and the iPhone

Sundar Pichai Android Google

  Sundar Pichai is the head of the division Android from within the company Google, and in an interview given to Forbes, he spoke about the partnership with Apple and the impact on it iPhone 6 si 6 iPhone Plus they had it on the Android platform. To begin with, Pichai is not worried about the possible replacement of Google Search with Yahoo! or Bing as the default search engine of Safari for iOS and OS X. The vice president of Google believes that his company is developing a product that users need in this idea as well he seems convinced that Apple will not give up Google Search, although this seems extremely likely.

When I look at search, largely the evolution depends on "are we building something which users need?" If we are building something that users need and there is a lot of value we are driving, I think how search manifests in iOS will work out just fine. We have a long term search partnership and are working together with them, and we'll have to see.

  Regarding iPhone 6 si 6 iPhone Plus, Pichai claims that Android is "healthy" with a very large market share, including very good sales of high-end terminals. Moreover, he claims that with over 1 billion Android terminals sold, the platform is on the rise and will continue to grow. What Pichai does not present with a reflection on reality is the profit generated by Android terminal manufacturers, he claims that it is high, but in reality, only Samsung makes money from this industry.

Apple has obviously done very well with iPhone 6 and 6 plus, but we always expected that. We knew this would be a big upgrade cycle for them. To me looking at the momentum of having shipped a billion devices, people even on the high reporting high loyalty rates across Android, I haven't seen anything to be concerned about. The bigger story here is a growing pie. All of us are doing well.

  You can find additional details about the statements of the vice president of Google in the Forbes interview and if you are interested in finding out what he had to say about a multitude of fields of activity, then I recommend you to read it.