Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge vs iPhone 6 – camera comparison

Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge MWC 2015 camera photo

  Samsung Galaxy Edge S6 it has a 16 megapixel camera which Samsung said is better than that of iPhone 6, mocking the iPhone 6 Plus camera through a demonstration made during the conference for the presentation of the terminal. If we are to be guided by that image, then we can say that the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge really has a camera that can record great pictures at night, but real world tests will tell the truth. Until then, we have the opportunity to to see o comparison between the camera of the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge and that of the iPhone 6, the images in this article telling the true story regarding the differences between them.

Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge and iPhone 6 cameras are compared

  Although iPhone 6 has an 8 megapixel camera, with a resolution halved compared to what a Samsung Galaxy Edge S6, the difference has nothing to do with the quality of the recorded images, but only with their size. Even so, when comparing these photos taken quickly at the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge presentation stand at the Mobile World Congress 2015, we can see that the Samsung terminal takes better photos than the iPhone 6. Here we are not only talking about their quality when they are recorded in low light conditions, but also with the colors rendered or the details that can be found in the images.

  What do you think, does the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge have a better camera than the iPhone 6? The first image is always of the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge, and the second of the iPhone 6.

iPhone 6 MWC 2015 camera photo

Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge MWC 2015 camera photo 1

iPhone 6 MWC 2015 camera photo 1

Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge MWC 2015 camera photo 2

iPhone 6 MWC 2015 camera photo 2

Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge MWC 2015 camera photo 3

iPhone 6 MWC 2015 camera photo 3

Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge MWC 2015 camera photo 4

iPhone 6 MWC 2015 camera photo 4