Samsung Galaxy S6 – the official images recorded with its new camera

Samsung Galaxy S6 image camera

  Samsung Galaxy S6 it has a new 16 megapixel camera that Samsung says that it can record great pictures in low light conditions, the Korean company publishing the first pictures captured with its new terminal. In this article you have presented them all and the reason behind their publication is based on the idea of ​​giving you the opportunity to compare them with those recorded yesterday at Mobile World Congress 2015 and compared with a series recorded using iPhone 6. The difference between what we see there and what we see here is huge, the quality of the pictures being extremely good here and much closer to reality there, the pictures presented by Samsung seeming to be recorded with a DSLR camera.

  Now no one doubts the veracity of the pictures presented by Samsung, considering that Apple also presents extremely good pictures from a qualitative point of view when announcing a new iPhone model, but in reality the quality is different.

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