Samsung Galaxy S6 – charging in just 10 minutes

Samsung Galaxy S6 charging 10 minutes

  Samsung Galaxy S6 was presented yesterday by the company Samsung and one of the main important functions is the possibility to load in 10 minutes enough battery to use the device for 4 hours. Samsung does not say what system is behind this fast charging and what percentage of the battery is charged in its base, but the feature itself is more than interesting. According to Samung, Samsung Galaxy S6 it will charge in half the time required for charging iPhone 6, and this is a real achievement.

  Samsung has been implementing fast charging systems in its smartphones for some time, iPhones are charging faster and faster, but Apple does not have this kind of technology. Although this fast charging system of Samsung Galaxy S6 has been overlooked by many, the reality is that its implementation is extremely useful. Moreover, its existence is a challenge for the Apple company that must come up with better systems to quickly charge iPhones and iPad tablets.

  Taking into account that smartphone batteries are discharged with the naked eye during use, the possibility of charging a Samsung Galaxy S6 in just 10 minutes up to 30% - 40% can save you from many headaches.