Apple Watch has Lightning port included for testing

Apple Watch 100.000 applications

  The Apple Watch will be presented on March 9 by the Apple company and today we have the opportunity to learn some new details about how the Apple company tests the device with its partners. According to company insiders, the prototypes Apple Watch tested by Apple contain a Lightning port that allows employees to connect for verification and testing. Apple he hid the Lightning port in one of the slots where the bracelets are connected, so some have speculated that it will allow the connection of smart bracelets.

The reason I ask is that the Apple Watch has a port that the company has yet to show off. It's being used for diagnostics and direct access to the Watch operating system, but it's feasible that it could be used to connect accessories in the future.

  Despite this, it seems that Apple only intended to test the Apple Watch to diagnose possible problems and implement new functions, with the Lightning port to be removed from the final product. Although the port is reversible and in the future could allow the connection of smart bracelets with modules that could implement new functions, in 2015 this will not be the case for its use. I told you that I am pleasantly impressed by what Pebble offers in Pebble Time with bracelets that contain modules with various components, and it seems that Apple Watch will offer something similar in the not too distant future.

  Don't forget that on Monday I'll be waiting for you on starting at 19:30 to discuss everything that is going to be presented by the Apple company!