Google attacks the Apple Watch in an ad for Android Wear

  Daca Sony si Pebble attacked the Apple Watch, Google couldn't let itself down, so last night it published a new advertisement for Android Wear, criticizing Apple Watch for the apparent lack of options in terms of diversity. Google claims that in the case of the Apple Watch users will have the same design for the watch, while dedicated bracelets, buckles and straps will not be able to compensate for the lack of diversity in Android Wear. The truth is that Android Wear smartwatches have many different designs, however Apple Watch can be customized so that a regular user will not miss them very much.

  In general, Apple's customers were not that big fans of such diversity in product designs, so the advertisement created by Google will have a rather small impact on them. Even so, if many will not be satisfied the high prices of the Apple Watch, they could choose the Android Wear platform and related smartwatches.