iOS 8.1.3 downgrade is still possible!

iOS 8.2 downgrade iOS 8.1.3

  iOS 8.2 was launched last week by the Apple company and, as usual, not everyone was happy with the update that was made available to us by those from Cupertino. Keeping the strategy of the last months, the Apple company continued to allow the installation of an old version of the iOS 8 operating system, so that iOS 8.1.3 it can still be installed.

  Apple is still signing SHSHs for installing iOS 8.1.3 in all compatible terminals, so if you are not satisfied with iOS 8.2, you can still go back to the old version of the operating system without problems. You can do the installation directly through iTunes, and a tutorial by downgrade iOS 8.2 to iOS 8.1.3 I presented it to you last week, and it is still as valid as possible for use.

  Unfortunately, there are very high chances that today or tomorrow at the latest Apple will block the possibility of downgrading to iOS 8.1.3, so if you want to install this version of iOS, it would be good to do it while you still have the opportunity . In the same way, I recommend you to use TinyUmbrella to save SHSH for iOS 8.1.3 while you still have the opportunity because in the future you will be able to use them to reinstall this version of the operating system.