Pangu talks about the million dollars received for jailbreaking and discrimination


  Pangu is a team of Chinese hackers that launched two jailbreak solutions for iOS and last night talked about the secrets of developing these programs, including publishing a series of slides in which they detailed all information related to them. Today the hackers published an article in which they talk about the million dollars they were said to have received for the development of security solutions. jailbreak, but also about the discrimination they were subjected to by launching these programs for our iDevices.

  To begin with, the hackers say that they did not receive a million dollars to develop the jailbreak solutions, but that they were sponsored with certain amounts of money to do it, spending this money on servers dedicated to the distribution of programs, but also on the purchase of iDevices . The truth is that in order to be able to test and distribute jailbreak solutions to millions of people, an infrastructure capable enough to support the very high traffic made by users is needed, the costs even rising to tens of thousands of dollars for each release .

  Separately, the pangu hackers were accused by the security researcher i0n1c of stealing some vulnerabilities presented by him in various conferences, the Chinese denying this and stating that they felt discriminated by the German researcher. The reality is that many people were afraid to install the Chinese software because it could contain malware and the discrimination is based on the way the Chinese work with the software, and this will not disappear anytime soon.

  Separately, you have some other details about the development process of jailbreak solutions, all the information being available on this page.