MacBook Pro 15 inch 2015 – SSD with speeds of 2 GB/s

MacBook Pro 15 inch 2015 SSD speedMacBook Pro 15-inch 2015 it has an SSD that reaches speeds of up to 2 GB/s in the first tests carried out by people who managed to buy the new product from Cupertino in stores. Despite the fact that Apple has not implemented new processors from the Broadwell series in its Macs, the American company has implemented Force Touch technology, but also SSDs with up to 2.5 times faster than those used in old Macs.

In the images of this article, you can see the first speed tests performed for the new PCIe SSDs implemented in the MacBook Pro Retina 15 inch 2015, and the 256 Gb model registers speeds of up to 2 GB/s. We are talking about the basic model of the new Mac, which has a 2.2 GHz processor, and the read/write speeds were 2GB/S and 1.25 GB/s, respectively, according to the QuickBench 4.0 application used for tests.

Currently MacBook Pro Retina 15 inch 2015 has the faster SSD implemented in any Apple Mac, 9 GB of data being transferred in just 14 seconds, compared to 32 seconds recorded in the case of the old model. In the case of smaller files, writing speeds are over 1 GB/s, and the maximum of 2 GB/s is only reached in tests for now, real speeds being only close to it.

MacBook Pro 15 inch 2015 SSD speed 1

The extremely fast SSD used in the MacBook Pro Retina 15 inch 2015 is produced by the Samsung company, and despite the fact that the NVM Express protocol is not used, the speeds are still impressive. Currently, very few laptops are able to offer similar speeds for users, and Apple has a huge advantage over portable PC manufacturers.

The basic version of the MacBook Pro Retina 15 inch 2015 is sold by the Apple company at the price of 2000 dollars in the US or 2250 euros in Europe, so you will pay a large amount to benefit from the performance offered by the product from Cupertino.