Nintendo is developing an Android console

Nintendo Android consoleNintendo is developing an Android console at the moment, the Japanese company being interested in attracting more customers with a product that would probably also allow the running of games from Google Play. Nintendo NX is the name of the console developed by Nintendo at the moment, it being prepared for release in the coming years, and the Android implementation seems to be already established by the company.

At the moment, Nintendo consoles run a proprietary operating system of the company, but starting with Nintendo NX it seems that there will be a major change in terms of the software that is at its base. Through this implementation of Android, Nintendo hopes to convince more developers to produce games compatible with its products, the titles being then easily ported to smartphones or tablets.

The main reason why Nintendo makes such an important change is the compatibility of games not only with its console, but also with mobile terminals, thinking that developers will generate more money from it. In this idea, Nintendo expects its developers to produce more titles for Nintendo NX, but it remains to be seen how the console will be received and which developers will have the courage to develop titles.

The launch of the iPhone and Android terminals generated a serious decrease in console sales and motivated game developers not to create titles for the classic portable or normal consoles. Because of this problem, manufacturers such as Nintendo or Playstation have tried to make their products more and more attractive, and Nintendo NX promises to be extremely interesting.

A few months ago Nintendo has announced the release of several popular games on the iOS platform, so integrating Android into a console is a new move to generate money.