The main differences between Steve Jobs and Bill Gates

Steve Jobs Bill GatesThe main differences between Steve Jobs and Bill Gates are difficult for a normal user to discover, but the co-founder of Apple, Steve Wozniak, explained some of them in a recent interview. Being one of the closest to Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak has the ability to provide details regarding the differences between the two former presidents of companies and below we will discuss them.

Participating in an interview for the premiere of the documentary american genius, which in the first episode focuses on the two co-founders of Apple and Microsoft, Steve Wozniak provided very interesting details about their lives. Wozniak claims that Steve Jobs had a mentality that was focused on the future, he had a vision of how the future and people's lives should look, while Bill Gates was anchored in the present, being determined to create companies and products centered on present, without a vision of the future.

Jobs had "a very futuristic forward vision, almost a bit of the science fiction, 'Here's what life could be,' but Bill Gates had more of an execution ability to build the things that are needed now, to build a company now, make the profits now, in the short-term. I think that was the biggest difference between them.

Practically, Steve Jobs had an avant-garde vision of Apple products, while Bill Gates was thinking how to produce profit now and useful products at the moment, this mentality being present even now in the company. Despite this mentality, Microsoft managed to develop faster and more than Apple until the 2000s, but at the moment it is far behind Apple, from many points of view.

The first episode of the documentary series American Genius, which focuses on Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, will be broadcast today on National Geographic in the USA and will probably be available online.