The European Union supports the development of 5G networks

European union flagThe European Union supports the development of 5G networks on the "old" continent and has initiated a collaboration with Japan to support the evolution of GSM networks within the European community. The partnership between the EU and Japan is based on the research and development of technologies that will allow the development of 5G networks for European citizens, this type of GSM networks being seen as a basis for the development of the economy in the coming years.

Considering that the European Union was a leader in telecommunications technologies during the adoption of 3G networks, European leaders are currently trying to overcome the failure of 4G development on a large scale by investing in 5G. The USA, South Korea and Japan are the countries where 4G technologies have been implemented on a large scale, the European Union considering that 5G must have Europe as its starting point.

In this idea, the EU and Japan will jointly develop the standards that will be the basis of the future 5G mobile networks that will allow the transfer of data via the Internet at speeds of up to several Gbps. The EU intends to interconnect smartphones with cars and government services, so high data transfer speeds are absolutely necessary to achieve the objectives.

The European Union is partnering with Japan to research and develop interoperable 5G technologies, seen as the backbone of the future digital economy. The EU used to lead the world in wireless technologies back when 3G was the cool new kid on the block. However, the Union fell behind when it came to 4G, and it's still struggling today to catch up to its competitors like the US, Japan and South Korea.

The most important part of this partnership is still a standardization of 5G technologies, so that most mobile terminals contain support for this type of mobile phone networks. More precisely, we are trying to offer universal standards for connecting to 5G networks, so that we will no longer have situations like the current ones where there are 4 or 5 different standards between Europe and Asia.

At the moment, it is hoped that 5G technologies will be available for implementation in mobile networks by 2020, but it remains to be seen whether the term is achievable or not. Before I end, I must tell you that Samsung is developing 5G technologies own in South Korea, so it will be interesting to see who will manage to bring the technologies to companies first.