iOS 9 displays notifications in the Notification Center differently

iOS 9 notifications Notification CenteriOS 9 brings a new way to display notifications in the Notifications Center, for our terminals, the Apple company thinking that it would not hurt to offer us a change that some may appreciate. If at the moment in iOS 8 the notifications are displayed grouped according to the applications from which they come, in iOS 9 the Apple company changed the display system in the Notifications Center, so that all notifications are displayed according to the time at which were received and not depending on the application from which they come.

The change gives us the opportunity to see more quickly what new notifications we received in iOS 9 and no longer obliges us to search for notifications according to each individual application, but unfortunately it is also difficult to delete them from the Notification Center.

Now to delete the notifications received from an application, we will have to make a side swipe to delete the notification, as in iOS 8, Apple only offers a general button to delete all notifications visible on the screen.

What do you think about this change for iOS 9?