iOS 9 will allow us to install any applications, including those outside the App Store

Xcode 7 application developmentXcode 7 was released by Apple together with iOS 9 si OS X El Capitan, the new version of the program that allows the development of applications for iDevices, coming with a major improvement. Starting this year, Apple will no longer impose the obligation to have a developer account in order to develop and test applications created using the Xcode program for OS X.

Thanks to the change implemented by the Apple company, now anyone can develop applications and install them in their own terminals without having a developer account already registered with the American company.

Until today, people interested in such a functionality had to pay 99 dollars annually to be able to generate certificates and to be able to create or load in iDevices the applications that they intend to launch in the App Store.

This change in the mentality of the Apple company will allow developers to create open source applications that they will be able to distribute to whoever they want, so that the need to use the App Store to download and install applications disappears.

Although a Mac with Xcode 7 installed is necessary to install applications downloaded from anywhere on the iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch, many people will benefit from this situation to hack applications and not only that.

After the official release of Xcode 7 and iOS 9, anyone will be able to download an open source app for iOS and install it without any problem in their own terminal, as long as it is open source.

What does open source mean? Well, open source applications must be distributed without a license by their creators and without being protected with any certificate generated with any developer account registered with the Apple company.

Based on this change, we will see for iOS a multitude of applications that until now were not accepted by the Apple company in the App Store and things will become extremely interesting because we will benefit, practically, from the same freedom as in Android.

From autumn, anyone will be able to install anything on iPhone or iPad, as long as the application is offered on the Internet without protection certificates, and if you don't have a Mac, then a virtual machine for installation will immediately solve the problem.

Of course, this new strategy of Apple will also generate a lot of problems from hackers who will take the opportunity to intensify their malware attacks, but these are the necessary risks to accept in order to benefit from total freedom when installing applications.