iOS 9 jailbreak confirmed by Taig CEO

iOS 9 jailbreak TaiG CEO9 iOS jailbreak was confirmed by Taig's CEO, who published a message on the Weibo messaging network announcing that the fourth jailbreak solution launched by hackers will only come in the fall, after the release of the new version of the operating system.

iOS 9 jailbreak had already been announced by TaiG just a few weeks ago, but now hackers seem quite confident that the upcoming version of the operating system can be exploited to allow the release of a public jailbreak solution for us.

Since TaiG's CEO is so confident in launching a solution of 9 iOS jailbreak, it is clear that in the beta versions released so far they were able to use exploits that they have, and if Apple does not know them, then it is unlikely that they will be blocked until the fall.

9 iOS jailbreak it can be extremely important for those at TaiG, and that's because such solutions can generate several hundred thousand dollars for a team of hackers, so we're talking about a very profitable process that brought a lot of money to various hackers in the past.

See you in iOS 9! Look forward to releasing our 4th jailbreak!

Although iOS 9 Rootless was announced as a system that will prevent the possible development of jailbreak solutions, the people from TaiG are confident in their own strength, and everything they have demonstrated so far makes us believe that in the fall we will have a pleasant surprise from their.

If iOS 9 jailbreak will not come from TaiG, then there is a good chance that the hackers from Keen Team to bring us a solution in the fall this year, they being much better seen than those from TaiG, many more people being convinced that they will be successful in exploiting iOS 9.

Regardless of who we will get a solution for iOS 9 jailbreak, it is clear that autumn will not leave us without it Cydia and tweaks.