How much internet traffic does Apple Music consume?

internet traffic Apple Music consumptionHow much internet traffic Apple Music consumes ? Many of you have probably asked this question the launch of Apple Music from last night, and that's because Beats 1 Radio, as well as the separate radio stations require internet connections to work.

I told you today that it's yours internet connection influences the quality of songs played through Apple Music, so the bitrate will be different depending on the use of WiFi or 4G internet connections, so you must be aware of this existing difference for the system.

In this idea, today I will tell you how much internet traffic Apple Music consumes, and if you were afraid that you will have to change your internet subscriptions, then I tell you that you don't have to be so afraid because we are not talking about excessive consumption.

How much internet traffic does Apple Music consume?

Apple Music consumes approximately 800 KB – 850 KB of Internet traffic for every minute of listening to Beats 1 Radio or iTunes Radio using a 4G data connection, the consumption being identical in the case of using the service through a 3G data connection.

Doing some tests of how many 5 minutes for listening to Apple Music I obtained a consumption of 4-4.5 MB of data for this period, so one hour of listening to Apple Music will consume between 48 MB and 54 MB of data traffic from your internet subscription.

If you're going to try to trick Apple Music into getting a better bitrate and use a Personal HotSpot, Personal HotSpot, or any other kind of MiFi to use a data plan with the service, then the costs will be a bit higher.

In my tests, the WiFi internet connection consumes approximately 12 MB of internet traffic for every 5 minutes of listening to Apple Music, so almost 3 times more than in the case of data connections, the quality being, theoretically, up to 3 times better.

HOWEVER, assuming you have large data plans, 1 GB of internet traffic should be enough to listen to about 20 hours of Apple Music every month, so about 40 minutes every day, and this period will probably be enough for many.

If you combine Apple Music listening sessions on data networks with those in which you are connected to public WiFi networks, then you will be able to enjoy the service for very long periods of time during an entire month.