TaiG 2.4.1 beta solves the 60% crash, brings other improvements

TaiG 2.4.1 betaTaiG 2.4.1 beta was released this evening to resolve stuck problem at 60% of the process of jailbreak, but also to improve the entire jailbreak procedure for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.

Considering that we are talking about TaiG 2.4.1 beta, the Chinese hackers have not yet made public the availability of the program because it must be used with great care because it could have major operational problems that could leave you with damaged terminals in case of use.

Although the hackers of the TaiG team have repeatedly tried to solve the problem blocking the jailbreak process at 60%TaiG 2.4.1 beta it should work without problems from this point of view, but you will have to convince yourself of this.

  • Fix the issue of getting stuck at 60% based on users' feedback.
  • Optimize the jailbreak process; improve the process's stability.

TaiG 2.4.1 beta can be downloaded available here and can be used with this iOS 8.4 jailbreak tutorial, but I do not recommend that you use this version of the program for now and wait for it to be released in the final format in a few days.