A simple Siri command can get you into a big mess

Siri load call emergency servicesPersonal Assistant Crab of the Apple company seems to have some small problems that affect the way of use, and this was discovered mainly by the English speakers who played with the Apple assistant.

If last week Rihanna was humiliated by Siri, today we are talking about a simple command given to the personal assistant which has the effect of calling the emergency services in just a few seconds, an operator of these services will answer to ask you if you have problems.

Running the command Charge my phone to 100%, some have discovered that the personal assistant Crab initiated an emergency call a few seconds after interpreting the command, this procedure being abnormal for the personal assistant available for Apple iDevices.

Some have speculated that this command would have been implemented in secret to allow victims of thieves or kidnappers to call the police quickly, but we are most likely talking about a programming error on Apple's servers and nothing more.

This is not the first time that Siri reacts strangely to simple expressions spoken by users and if some would have expected to see only a funny response from the assistant, here is that in reality a call to the emergency services is also initiated could result in fines for certain individuals.