Apple hired 11.000 women last year

apple diversityYesterday, the Apple company published a diversity report among its employees working in the wider world, announcing that it employed less than 11.000 women in the last year, 65% more than last year.

Despite this large number of women employees, within the Apple company men dominate, 69% of the employees being men, Tim Cook trying to balance, as much as possible, the number of men and women who work within the Apple company worldwide.

Apart from women, the Apple company also hired several thousand people from among minorities, Tim Cook placing great emphasis on diversity among the employees of the Apple company, but also on equal rights regardless of the sexual or religious orientation of the employees.

54% of Apple's American employees are white, while the remaining 46% are divided into various ethnicities, with Asians dominating this segment with 18% of employees, Hispanics following closely behind with 11% representation company employees.

Apple has always been different. A different kind of company with a different view of the world. It's a special place where we have the opportunity to create the best products on earth — products that change lives and help shape the future. It's a privilege we hold dear.

Although the Apple company is trying to bring more diversity among its employees, it is unlikely to achieve the goals that certain organizations in the US or around the world are asking for, but Tim Cook is making an effort to create the best possible work environment in the Apple framework.