Here's how much the iPhone costs in various countries around the world (infographic)

global iPhone priceiPhone terminals are extremely sought after all over the world, despite the fact that in some countries the selling price of Apple products is much higher than in the USA or Canada, countries with the lowest prices.

If in Romania an iPhone has the price of Apple Store Europe, in Brazil an iPhone can be bought for over 1100 dollars from local stores, the difference compared to the American price being almost 500 dollars, or about two thirds of the price paid by Americans.

Basically, the poorer a country is, the more expensive the iPhones will be, so the Americans and Canadians have the lowest prices, and the countries that are in the vicinity of China, where the iPhones are manufactured, have higher prices, but things are not better in China either.

Romania is not included in the short list of countries where the prices of iPhone terminals were checked, but we pay as much as the Germans, for example, and this is gratifying since, in general, in our country almost all products are more expensive than anywhere else.

Additional details can be found in the infographic below.

iPhone price worldwide