ShiftCycle brings a useful feature to iOS 8

ShiftCycleShiftCycle is a new tweak for iOS 8 released during this evening in Cydia for our iPhone, iPad and iPod Touches, and with its help we can implement an extremely useful function for the writing mode of the operating system.

In the image above, you can see in an animation the functionality of the tweak, and you can see that it allows you to quickly change the format of texts already written in one application or another, by simply selecting the texts and pressing a button, making the change on the spot.

Compatible with iOS 8. Makes it so when you click shift, it cycles the selected text through UPPERCASE, lowercase, Title Case With Spaces, and TitleCaseWithoutSpaces. These are all toggleable in settings.

ShiftCycle it has a settings menu available in the Settings, Configurations application of iOS 8, and from there all its functions can be modified, it being available for download from Cydia's BigBoss repo.