iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus vs Android competitors - comparison of specifications

iPhone 6S vs AndroidiPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus were presented by the Apple company and although we only know that they contain a better performing A9 chip, some thought of making a comparison with the rest of the existing Android terminals on the market.

We are talking here about a comparison between iPhone iPhone 6S, iPhone 6S Plus, Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge, Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge+, HTC One M9, Moto X Style, Moto X Play, Sony Xperia Z5, Sony Xperia Z5 Premium, LG G4 and One Plus 2.

The information in the table is not 100% worthy of consideration, especially the ones regarding the batteries, so look at them as such, although they form a general idea of ​​what the devices will offer.

iPhone 6S vs the competition