XcodeGhost – Apple alerts infected users

Apple's XcodeGhost malware alerts usersXcodeGhost is the biggest malware attack initiated against the App Store, applications used by tens of millions of people on the planet being infected by this software without the developers knowing, Angry Birds and other extremely well-known titles being affected.

Apple has initiated an extensive process of cleaning applications infected by XcodeGhost and "educating" developers to know how to avoid infected versions of Xcode, but those from Cupertino are taking things much further than that with a new series of actions.

Specifically, the Apple company published tonight a special page on its website dedicated to China, explaining the functionality of XcodeGhost, but also how developers can ensure that they do not use infected software for developing applications.

Apple claims that so far it has not found evidence to indicate that XcodeGhost stole important data from users' terminals, it only transmits a series of general information regarding the applications used by them, without anything else notable.

Customers will be receiving more information letting them know if they've downloaded an app / apps that could have been compromised. Once a developer updates their app, that will fix the issue on the user's device once they apply that update.

Although for now XcodeGhost does not seem to have seriously affected iDevice users, at least according to Apple, the American company will list the most popular infected applications and send notifications to users alerting them of the danger and recommending solutions for cleaning the terminals.

Most of the apps that were infected by XcodeGhost have already been updated and cleaned, but those that remain problematic will be deleted from the App Store and Apple will notify users of the danger they are exposed to, asking them to delete the ones that are not updated or to update those that can be updated.