iPhone 6S Plus vs iPhone 6 Plus - which is faster?

iPhone 6S Plus vs iPhone 6 Plus speed comparison6S iPhone Plus vs 6 iPhone Plus appear in a first comparison regarding the speed with which all functions and applications run in the operating system iOS 9, the first terminal having "under the hood" an A9 chip with 1.8 GHZ dual-core processor si 2 GB RAM DDR 4, so theoretically it should be victorious.

The very good technical specifications also have a counterpart in reality because the iPhone 6S Plus is faster than the iPhone 6 Plus in everything it does, and this is perfectly normal considering the major difference in terms of processing power of the two Apple products .

Although the iPhone 6S Plus is faster than the iPhone 6 Plus when opening applications or loading websites, the differences between the two terminals are not as big as many of you would imagine, on the contrary.

Phone 6S Plus vs iPhone 6 Plus – performance test

In this test, the iPhone 6S Plus is only slightly faster than the iPhone 6 Plus in normal tasks, so you should not expect a colossal difference in performance, although in your usual use the results could be completely different.

What do you think about the differences in performance between iPhone 6S Plus and iPhone 6 Plus?