How to make folders in folders in iOS 9.0.2 (Video)

make folders in folders iOS 9.0.2If you want to find out how do you make folders inside other folders in iOS 9.0.2, well the video clip below will instruct you in the art of manipulating an operating system bug that allows inserting folders inside other folders.

Everything is based on an apparent problem in the way iOS 9.0.2 interpret the touches and you will understand why I say this if you look at the clip, the problem can be solved in a later update, the changes made by you can disappear immediately after you update the terminal.

Coming back to the procedure to insert folders into folders in iOS 9.0.2, all you have to do is follow the steps below:

  1. Create two folders in the main applications screen.
  2. Keeping your finger on one of them, press and repeatedly press on the second one.
  3. After a sufficiently large number of clicks (random as it seems) the second folder will open and you will be able to move the first one.

I tested the method on 6S iPhone Plus and I managed to enter folders in folders in iOS 9.0.2, the procedure can be repeated ad infinitum if you have the patience to continuously click on the screen, sometimes requiring quite a large number of clicks to open the second folder.

Normally this is not possible, but thanks to Apple engineers we don't need tweaks. The procedure can be used on any iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch, but I don't know in which other versions of iOS it is valid.