Apple is the "cemetery" of Tesla employees

Elon MuskApple is the "cemetery" of Tesla employees according to the CEO Tesla, Elon Musk, stating that the people from Cupertino hired only the people that the Tesla people would have fired for various reasons, which is of course difficult to confirm.

Elon Musk stated that in the framework Tesla there is a joke among employees according to which all those who cannot cope at Tesla should go and work at Apple, and Elon Musk claims that he was not joking in what he said in the interview given to a German newspaper.

Musk claims that Apple has a huge job ahead if it wants to produce an electric car, but he is happy that there is competition from those in Cupertino, warning them that the production of cars is much more complicated than the production of mobile phones .

Did you ever take a look at the Apple Watch? (laughs) No, seriously: It's good that Apple is moving and investing in this direction. But cars are very complex compared to phones or smartwatches. You can't just go to a supplier like Foxconn and say: Build me a car. But for Apple, the car is the next logical thing to finally offer a significant innovation. A new pencil or a bigger iPad alone were not relevant enough.

Despite this statement, Elon Musk claims that the development of a car is the next logical step for Apple and this has been said by various other people in recent months, so it seems that everyone thinks that Apple should diversify its business.

However, it is hard to say how much truth there is in what Elon Musk said about the employees who left the Apple company because it is hard to believe that Apple hired people who had no future within the company that it seems to have competitors at the moment.